Welcome to the Future

Welcome to the Future

On the Etymology of “Boofing”

There’s been a lot of slang in the news of late. Some of it is obscure, but I'm shocked at how some people are - I guess - so pure of heart that they don’t (or can’t) read sex, drugs, and rock and roll into everything.

Just MHO: if Kavanaugh really wanted to win hearts and minds, he should have been in a band. I don’t know why, and I’m not saying it’s fair, but if BK was a drummer, I don’t think anyone would be calling for an FBI investigation; blackout drinking, exposing himself to women at parties, groping girls at house parties  - people would experience momentary outrage, followed by “well, yeah ... he was a drummer.” Beto O’Rourke is strongly suspected of attempting to leave the scene of an accident at which he got a DUI, and he’s kicking ass down here in Texas.

Anyhow - I’d like to point out that Frank and Moon Unit Zappa’s hit single “Valley Girl” was released in (I believe) June of 1982. If I may call your attention to some of the lyrics:
It's really sad
Like my English teacher
He's like Mr. Bu-Fu
We're talking Lord God King Bu-Fu
I am so sure
He's, like, so gross
And I checked and the controversial text from BK’s yearbook appeared in the 1983 edition of that yearbook.